Tuesday 15 December 2015

What does the brightness tool do?

   The brightness tool allows you to adjust and tamper with an image that you have taken. It also decreases shadow effects and increases the tone of the image. It also highlights the image and makes it stand out more. However, if you image is quite bright and you want to tone it down you can also make you image duller by using the brightness tool.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Double Page Feature- Part 2

This is my completed Double Page Feature. I have adjusted the text to make the questions stand out from the answers and I have uploaded a high quality image of my chosen model.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Double Page Feature Part 1

I have started to create my double-page feature. I have chosen the masthead and colour scheme based on the feedback from my target audience. in the blank space on the other side of the page I am going to include a picture of my model. I am yet to decide what picture I am going to chose.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Double Page Features: Adjustments

I still need to change the colour of the question in my article as they must be separate to the interviewees answers. I will then post a picture of my double page feature when it is fully completed.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Winning Image

The lower image is the original one that I started off with. It was very dull due to the background being grey. He is wearing many shades of black which also looked dull against the grey background. I edited this on Adobe Photoshop and I adjusted the brightness in order to make the image stand out clearly.

Possible Images for my Double Page Feature

I have selected four images for my target audience to pick from. The winning photo will go onto my contents page. It may need to be edited and changed to stand out.

Article-In Design

Once I typed my article up on Word I then transferred the text onto In Design before uploading the main image.

Saturday 14 November 2015

Double Page Feature Article

‘Nobody could have stopped me’

Jack York


Tears, tantrums, traumas Jack York has been through them all. After months of rehabilitation and counselling Jack York has finally got his life back on track and has a new album coming out in next September.

Hello Jack, it’s good to see you’re looking well again. So tell us, what was going through your head when you first went into rehab?

Honestly speaking, I don’t know. I felt a mixture of emotions and didn’t know what was going through my head. It felt like the drugs had over taken my body and I felt so depressed and down. I constantly felt like I didn’t want to be here and like I was isolated from my loved ones. So finally when I got the courage to go to rehab I felt like I had a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and that I could turn to someone for help.

So do you have everything under control now? Are you on any sort of medication?

I have my life back on track and have decided to bring out a brand new album next year. I’m currently taking my medication and I am really benefiting from it despite the awful side effects.

You have decided to bring out a new album in September next year. Why was this decision?

There’s a side of me what people rarely ever see. I always want to achieve more and see what else I can do to better myself so I thought bringing out another album would show people that I’m slowly getting my life back on track again. I also think bringing out another album would be a good way to take my mind off things and give me something else to focus my thoughts on.

Brilliant! So tell us Jack do you think you’ll remain drug free from now on?

Yes, most definitely. Being an addict was one of my biggest regrets in life. It made me feel depressed and worthless and it wasn’t a good experience and I definitely don’t want to go through it all again. But at the time nobody could have stopped me.


If you don’t mind us asking, what do you think made you go like this? Was it the divorce from Amelia Grace?

Me and Amelia will always remain good friends and we still have a good relationship because of our children. I don’t blame Amelia at all and she wasn’t the reason I turned to drugs. I just became depressed and I didn’t have anyone to love or care about in my life and I slowly started to deteriorate. I thought turning to drugs would be the right answer but luckily I have learned otherwise. 


You say you didn’t have anyone in your life to love or care about. Do you still feel this way?

I’m not currently in a relationship but I have my two beautiful children to love and care about.  I’m aware of the rumours that there may be something going on between me and my producer, Kate.

Yes, we heard that in last week’s Allure magazine. You were seen to be leaving hers at 4am last Saturday was this true?

Me and Kate are just very good friends and I see her as more of a shoulder to cry on. Kate is always there for me whenever I’m feeling down and she has helped me through remaining drug free. There is absolutely nothing going on between me and Kate she is already in a solid relationship and I don’t want to intervene with that.

Well Jack it’s been a pleasure talking to you. We look forward to hearing from you soon and we wish you the best of luck in the future and for your album next September.


Wednesday 11 November 2015

Contents Page 2: Step 6

This is my complete contents page. I have made all of the adjustments shown on my Blog to help improve my magazine.

Contents Page 2: Poor and High Quality Images- Step 5

Contents page 2: Step 4

This is the writing that will go onto my contents page. I typed up both the 'Regulars' and 'Lava Gossip' section onto word and copied it into Adobe Photoshop. I then placed the text into a column and justified it to make it central to the end of the page.

Contents Page 2 : Step 3

This was originally my complete contents page. Once I placed both the text and images onto Photoshop I then realised that one of my images wasn't a high quality photo. I also decided to change the blue band stating 'Lava Gossip' as it didn't really match the colour scheme of my magazine.

Contents Page 2: Editing Images Step 2

This image was originally taken behind a green screen. I used the cutting tool to get the image to the size I want and put it on a white background onto a different layer. The effects of taking a photo in the green screen allow you to edit the background. However, the lightening often gives the image a yellow looking effect over it. This happened when I took this image shown above, I edited this by adjusting the brightness of the image to take allow the image to go back to its original colour.

Contents Page 2: Step 1

This is the first step to creating my second contents page, based on my chosen style model I already planned what kind of images I was going to take and how I was going to position them.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Conents Page 1: Part 3

I have now completed the first part of my contents page. Once I edited the image of the model I then copy and pasted it into Photoshop to place on my contents page. I have decided to have two contents pages in my magazine. I am going to now start working on completing my second contents page.

Monday 9 November 2015

Editing the image

From the previous image I took of my model I edited it and adjusted it on Adobe Photoshop. To cut around the image I used the 'Quick Selection Tool' to get the image to both the shape and size that would be suitable to fit my contents page.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Contents Page 1 : Step 2

I have now designed a features box for my magazine and filled it with text. I have justified the text to make it central in a column. The blank area is where an image of my model will be positioned.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Contents Page 1 : Step 1


I have decided to change the gradient colour to a dark red. I think this will suit my magazine better as the grey coloured gradient was too dark for my magazine.

Friday 6 November 2015

Possible Contents Page Images

Front Cover: Step 4

I have now added all text to the front cover of my music magazine. I have included features of band artists, and other stories that will appear in my magazine. I have justified the text to the left hand side of the magazine to make sure it is all in line equally and looks appropriate for my front cover.

Front Cover: Step 3

I have added a barcode, website and the price to the front cover of my magazine. I copied the image of the barcode off Google Images, I then cut around and rotated it to make it fit on my magazine. The reason I have included a website and price to my magazine is so my target audience are aware how to access Lava Magazine online, and so they know how much my magazine is and when it was issued.

Front Cover: Step 2

I have now started to add text to the front cover of my magazine. The models name is in block capitals to make it stand it out. I have decided to position this in front of the image of the model so readers know that's his name and what his story is about. 'His remarkable triumph'- this indicates that he has turned his life around or possibly got out of a difficult situation. I have put a black bar behind this as the colour of the font is white, this is so it is clear what his story is about.

Front Cover: Step 1

This is currently the start to creating The Front Cover of a Music Magazine. I have used the 'Quick Selection Tool' to cut around the image of the model, I have also adjusted the brightness of the image to make the photo stand out more as it will be the main attraction of my magazine. I have positioned the masthead behind the image of the model to make him the central feature of The Front Cover.

Winning Colour

My target audience voted black as the most popular colour. Therefore, to meet the needs of my target audience I shall follow up all preferred conventions based on the results of my survey and make my magazine colour scheme black.

Survey Results

15% Voted Red

                                                                  55% Voted Black

                                                          30% Voted Blue

Front Cover Survey

I produced a survey to see which colour my target audience preferred to see going on their magazine.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

The model of my Front Cover

I have decided to use this photo on the front cover of my magazine. After I had taken a variety of photos I have decided to use this one as it is the best quality and I like the particular pose my model is doing.

The Represention of Women in the Media

Starting My Magazine

I have started to design the front cover for my magazine. I have chosen the masthead that came up the most popular after I gave out my survey. I still need to improve my front cover and add more subheadings and text on to it. I will follow all preferences and conventions that my target audience decided on.

Friday 16 October 2015

Possible Front Cover Images

Chosen Masthead

Based on the results of my survey given to my target audience they have chosen this particular font for my chosen masthead. Therefore, as it meets the needs of my target audience I will then use this on the front cover of my magazine.

Masthead ideas for Lava Magazine

Tuesday 29 September 2015


Questionnaire for a Music Magazine Please put a tick in the boxes displayed below.
1. How much are you willing to pay for your magazine? £0.80-£1.00 £1.00-£2.00 £3.00-£4.00 £4.00 +
   2. How often would you like to purchase your magazine? Every Week Fortnightly Monthly
3. What type of colours would you like to see on your magazine?
Vibrant/Bright Dark Colours Any
4. Who would you like to see featured in your magazine? Ed Sheeran Beyoncé Jake Bugg Jay-Z 5. Are you male or female? Male Female
6. Which kind of advertisements would you prefer to see? Food/Drink Fashion Albums or Music Event
s 7. Are you interested in exclusive interview features in a magazine? Yes No No Preference
8. Which type of social media do you use most frequently? Facebook Twitter Instagram Snapchat
9. Would you like to see a male or female artist on the front cover? Male Female

My Reader Profile

Friday 11 September 2015

School Magazine Contents Page

The colours I have used on the Contents Page are associated with both the school colours and they are linked in with the theme colours on my front colours. I chose the red text because it stands out from the blue background and it is easy to read. The photo that I have uploaded links in with one of the story lines that are shown in the magazine, I chose these number of stories because they are topics related to a school magazine.

School Magazine Front Cover

This is my front cover for my School Magazine. I selected the variety of colours show on the magazine as they are associated with the school logo colours. I chose the picture of the mayor as I thought it would be a successful way to represent our school and give readers a positive attitude about Heworth Grange. The reason I chose the font displayed on my magazine is because it is legible and stands out from the background. I also uploaded the Heworth Grange logo to show it is a magazine for our school.

Monday 13 July 2015

Introduction To My Blog

Welcome to my Media Studies Blog. Over the course of the next year I will be researching into what a successful music magazine is. Once I have completed research into the media and reviewed a series of different music magazines, I will then create my very own final product.